kunjungan mu ku kira

Selasa, 13 April 2010

it is our opening ceremony..

hello...welcome...selamat datang...

hello and welcome to our blogs consist me(LEE) and my friend LOUWI. it is our first attempt of creating a blogs.i had this idea on creating a blog for a long time.so i discuss with louwi...my friend.we share the same passion and interest that is drawing or melukis,melukis,melukis...louwi and me is loking forward for our new update artwork.so louwi...next is your opening speech for our new blog..we are bloggers baby..hahahahaha

we will upload our artwork soon..so dont be embarass or takut to komen and be our followers

coming soon

gua chow dulu...


2 ulasan:

  1. Ulasan ini telah dialihkan keluar oleh pengarang.

  2. lee start ler upload artwork2 korang tu sekrg...baru boleh gempak blog ko ni.


komen la...

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