kunjungan mu ku kira

Ahad, 21 November 2010

If i was a ninja


If i was a ninja

Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

Louwi's Artwork

the world is taken over by robot....the worse country taken over by robot is malaysia. What will happen to living being....the answer is in our heroes hand...lee,arief,nazif(controlling the tiger), and aqmal...

Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

Demon Days-Ori Dari Lee


Lukisan ini diilhamkan oleh banyak perkara.Seperti Naruto,Bleach, dan Iron-man. Ini la buah tangan terbaru dari aku.Tajuk diberi ialah Demon days. Projek terbaru dari lee.Baru-Baru ni aku telah menonton Iron-man 2. sangat hebat grafik komputer yang cube ditonjolkan. aku ni peminat watak War Machine. Jadi aku suke sangat dgn sut War machine tu. Ape yang cuba aku katakan ialah aku cuba untuk selitkan unsur barat dan timur dalam satu lukisan yang menarik.Cuba bayangkan kalau Naruto,Bleach dan Iron-man bergabung dalam satu lukisan.Memang Superb hasil dia Tak percaya,ikut suka u la.Watak-watak protagonis yakni yang berada di tengah-tengah kelompok dalam lukisan di atas;

dari kiri:-
Arief @ Goosebumps(kiri)
Asalnya adalah pedang milik Hoshigake Kisame dalam manga Naruto.Tapi cuba kalau dikendalikan oleh orang yang lebih elok sikit.Mesti hebat pedang tu kan. Jadi, itulah yang terjadi.Arief dapat pedang tu dan pedang Samehada tu di-ubahsuai oleh Arief a.k.a Goosebumps

Louwi @ Burned
Pedang-Sword of the Daywalker
pedang ni sebenarnya adalah milik Blade dalam filem Blade. Pedang ni khusus untuk hapuskan puntianak. Tapi kalau dah ada kat Louwi, semua pun boleh tibai

Nazif @ Hack-man
watak ni best sikit sebab dia pendek sikit daripada yang lain. Lepastu pula pakai topeng iras-iras Iron-man. Pedang yang dia gunakan pula lebih besar daripada pedang kawan-kawan dia. Nama pedang dia adalah Zangetsu daripada manga Bleach milik Kurosaki Ichigo.Lepas Nazif dapat je pedang tu terus dia modified jadi macam yang dalam gambar.

Khamis, 6 Mei 2010

Louwi's Artwork

here are another post from me.Title is''Samurai Silat train with soccer player''

Ahad, 25 April 2010

Louwi's Artwork

this art is draw when i feel bored.So what are you waiting for....come people commentLAH!!!

Khamis, 22 April 2010

NVIDIA @ GDC 2010 sketch match

Once again, NVIDIA developers will be presenting at this year's GDC in San Francisco.
This is your chance to see new material and success stories from developers that built games...
This is the NVIDIA SKETCH MATCH Contest. Created to bring together those in the creative field, students and professionals attending GDC, the idea is to bring back that raw energy of art school, with a fun factor of competition. Those who participate are eligible to win awesome prizes from partners such as PNY, AUTODESK, LUXOLOGY, and ADOBE. They also provided the Old school materials, like charcoals, pastels, and chalk.

GDC 2010: sketch match

Isnin, 19 April 2010

new member.

Hi..thank you to Lee added me as another authour at this blog.Actually I really do not know how to draw, but I'm here just want to help my friend Lee and lowi for their work.lol....I also sure that one day lee and lowi will upload their outstanding and amazing artwork.This because lowi is already declared this blog :DDD.Anyways good luck.So,for any suggestion and Idea for us to update this blog we Welcome for your comment.

Selasa, 13 April 2010

it is our opening ceremony..

hello...welcome...selamat datang...

hello and welcome to our blogs consist me(LEE) and my friend LOUWI. it is our first attempt of creating a blogs.i had this idea on creating a blog for a long time.so i discuss with louwi...my friend.we share the same passion and interest that is drawing or melukis,melukis,melukis...louwi and me is loking forward for our new update artwork.so louwi...next is your opening speech for our new blog..we are bloggers baby..hahahahaha

we will upload our artwork soon..so dont be embarass or takut to komen and be our followers

coming soon

gua chow dulu...


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